Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
EMNLP 2015
- Attentional mechanism jointly translate and align words
- 2 types of attention-based models
- global
- all source words
- local
- subset of source words
- global
Neural Machine Translation
Probabilistic model
$x_1, …, x_n$
$y_1, …, y_m$
2 components
- encoder: to compute a representation $s$ of source sentences
- decoder: to generate one target word at a time
$log\ p(y|x) = \Sigma_{j=1}^m log\ p(y_j|y_{<j}, s)$
using LSTM
the probability of decoding each word $y_j$
$p(y_j|y{<j}, s) = softmax(g(h_j))$
$g$ is the transformation fuction that outputs a vocabulary-sized vector
training objective
$J_t = \Sigma_{(x,y)\in\mathbb{D}}-log\ p(y|x)$
Attention-based Models
- context vector $c_t$
- captures relevant source-side information to help predict the current target word $y_t$
- weighted average over all the source hidden states
- align weights $a_t$
$\tilde{h}_t = tanh(W_c[c_t;h_t])$
$p(y_t|y_{<t},x) = softmax(W_s\tilde{h}_t)$
Global Attention
$a_t(s) = align(h_t, \bar{h}s) = \frac{exp(score(h_t, \bar{h}_s))}{\Sigma{s’}exp(score(h_t, \bar{h}_{s’}))}$
score(h_t,\bar{h}_s) =
h_t^\top\bar{h}_s \
h_t^\top W_a\bar{h}_s \
v_a^\top tanh(W_a[h_t^\top;\bar{h}_s])
dot, general, concat
Local Attention
- window $D$
- $c_t$ is derived as a weighted average within the window $[p_t-D,p_t+D]$
- empirically selected
- $a_t$
- fixed dimension $2D+1$
- Gaussian distribution centered around $p_t$
- $a_t(s) = align(h_t, \tilde{h}_s)exp(- \frac{(s - p_t)^2}{2\sigma^2})$
Monotonic alignment (local-m)
$p_t = t$
Predictive alignment (local-p)
$p_t = S \cdot sigmoid(v_p^\top tanh(W_p h_t))$
- source sentence length $S$
- model parameters (to be learnt): $v_p^\top$, $W_p$
Input-feeding Approach
- to keep tracking of which source words have been translated
- alignment decisions should be made jointly taking into account past alignment information
Training Details
- WMT’14 training data
- 4.5M sentences pairs
- 116M English words, 110M German words
- limit vocabularies to 50K with token <unk>
- LSTM models
- 4 layers
- 1000 cells
- parameters: uniformly initialized in [-0.1, 0.1]
- 10 epochs using SGD
Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation